Checks & measurements

Blood pressure measurement

If you want to have your blood pressure checked, we can check for you without long waiting times.

The blood pressure measurement takes about 10 minutes and costs Fr. 7.50.

Blood pressure is not a constant value, but is normally subject to many fluctuations during the day. If your blood pressure is often high, however, this is fundamentally unhealthy and can cause serious consequential damage in the long term; from arrhythmia to a stroke or kidney failure. This is particularly dangerous, because high blood pressure does not come with any obvious symptoms and will not be detected until damage has already occurred. Therefore, we advise you to have your blood pressure checked regularly. You will be placed in our consultation room, where you will quietly for about 5 minutes so that the values remain comparable. If you would like us to record your medical history in order to advise you more comprehensively, you can add this service for a price of Fr. 17.50. (duration approx. 10 minutes).

Blood glucose monitoring

Have your blood sugar levels determined in the Breite Apotheke with a small blood sample from your fingertip.

Blood sugar measurement takes about 10 minutes and costs Fr. 9.70 (a sober measurement in the morning is optimal).

Diabetes is a metabolic disease caused by a lack of insulin and/or insulin action. Type 2 diabetes is usually caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Overweight, a lack of exercise or hereditary predisposition are among the risk factors. Blood glucose monitoring is for your safety. It is important to regularly check your blood sugar levels. After measuring your blood sugar level, we document your personal results in a blood sugar passport, so that you have access to your blood sugar levels easily and quickly when needed. If you would like us to record your medical history to advise you more comprehensively, you can add this service for a price of Fr. 19.70.(duration approx. 10 minutes).

Cholesterol measurement

If there are risk factors (smoking, overweight, diabetes and/or high blood pressure in the family), a regular cholesterol check-up is advisable. In the Breite Apotheke, you can easily and accurately have the detailed blood fat components (triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL and LDL), as well as the blood sugar level, determined in advance by taking a small blood sample from your finger. 

Cholesterol measurement takes 15-20 minutes and costs Fr. 39.-.

If you would like us to record your medical history to advise you more comprehensively, you can get this service for a price of Fr. 49,00 (duration approx. 10 minutes) 

Appointments can be agreed upon directly in the pharmacy, or by telephone 061 319 98 98 or by e-mail (

Iron Deficiency Test

Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide. It occurs when the ferritin concentration in the blood is below 20ng/ml. In Europe, 5-10% of all people suffer from anaemia as a result of long-term iron deficiency. Symptoms such as constant fatigue, headaches, paleness, dizziness or a lack of concentration can be caused by iron deficiency. 

The iron deficiency test takes about 15 minutes and costs Fr. 32.30.

Healthy people store 20% of the total iron as ferritin (depot iron) in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. Although most ferritin is found within cells, the concentration of ferritin in human blood serum is a meaningful measure of the body’s total iron storage. 

Appointments can be agreed upon directly in the pharmacy, or by telephone 061 319 98 98 or by e-mail (

Vitamin D Deficiency Test

Vitamin D deficiency usually occurs because the skin is too rarely exposed to the sun. The body needs UV light for the endogenous production of vitamin D3. However, a deficiency can also be caused by diseases. It is difficult to meet the estimated daily requirement of vitamin D through diet, even if one eats a balanced and varied diet. There are few foods that contain vitamin D in appreciable amounts. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are many, because the body needs vitamin D for a wide variety of processes. Its main functions are the utilization of calcium for bone health, the support of the immune system, the muscles and the hair. 

The vitamin D deficiency test takes about 15 minutes and costs Fr. 47.20.

The test is done with a drop of blood (finger prick) and gives three concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D:

  • the value is below 25 nmol/liter, which corresponds to a severe vitamin D deficiency
  • the value is between 25-75 nmol/liter; a vitamin D deficiency exists
  • the value is between 75-250 nmol/liter; the vitamin D level is sufficient

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) increases the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphate in the intestine and promotes their incorporation into bones and teeth. Vitamin D should be dosed carefully and individually. An overdose of vitamin D (max. daily dose: 4000IE) leads to increased calcium levels in blood and urine. The Federal Office of Public Health FOPH therefore recommends supplementation with 800IE vitamin D daily for adults with sufficient vitamin D levels.

Appointments can be made directly at the pharmacy, by phone 061 319 98 98 or by e-mail (

Urinary tract infection

A urine test helps to detect the bacterial infection in bladder infections. 

The urine test takes about 10 minutes and costs Fr. 20.

Urinary tract infection / cystitis 

Burning pain when urinating, uncontrollable urgency to urinate, smelly, possibly even bloody urine and pain in the area of the lower abdomen to the back are typical signs of a urinary tract infection. 

A urinary tract infection is a bacterial inflammation of the urinary tract. In principle, these infections can affect any part of the urinary tract (kidneys, ureter, bladder or urethra). 

Cystitis, also known as bladder catarrh, is an infection of the lower urinary tract. 

Urine test: Test for bacteria in urine 

As soon as the first symptoms appear, we can determine with a urine test in the pharmacy whether there is an inflammation with corresponding bacterial infestation, and a visit to the doctor is necessary. For that we need a little sample of fresh urine, which you can deposit in a urine cup in our pharmacy. 

Appointments are possible without prior notice.

HerzCheck® (HeartCheck)

gives you information about your personal risk profile. 

A HeartCheck takes 25-30 minutes and costs Fr. 49.

The test consists of a short interview as well as cholesterol-, blood pressure-, blood sugar and abdominal girth measurement. Your individual risk profile will be entered with recommendations in your personal heart passport. You can reuse this passport for a later HeartCheck®. 

Appointments can be made directly in the pharmacy, or by telephone 061 319 98 98 or by e-mail (

Hearing test

Age-related hearing loss is very common and something completely normal. However, it is extremely uncomfortable for those affected, if they can no longer follow conversations properly or have to turn up the television so loudly that others feel disturbed. Some elderly people resist addressing their hearing problem, which is perfectly understandable: Who would voluntarily go through months of clarification between doctor, acoustician and a health insurance company, only to end up investing a small fortune in a hearing aid? 

Our hearing test takes about 30 minutes and is free of charge.

Free hearing test and test-wearing 

Fortunately, these stresses are now a thing of the past. Nowadays you can test your hearing free of charge at the Breite-Apotheke. If necessary, you can test-wear our quality hearing aid “GOhear” immediately after and purchase it if you’re satisfied. Only the disposables incl. batteries have to be paid for for the test period. They cost Fr. 14 per hearing aid. 

AHV/IV reimbursement possible The AHV and IV reimburse the purchase of Sonetik hearing aids if there is a certain degree of hearing loss: The AHV supports you in case of a total hearing loss of at least 35%, every 5 years with a lump sum of Fr. 630—regardless of whether one or two hearing aids have been purchased. The IV contributes Fr. 840 for one hearing aid and Fr. 1,650 for two hearing aids every 6 years if the total hearing loss is at least 20%. The diagnosis or confirmation must be made by an ENT physician. 

Appointments can be made directly in the pharmacy, or by telephone 061 319 98 98 or by e-mail (


At our pharmacy you receive medical advice and help for acute complaints even without an appointement. In case of problems such as inflammation of the bladder, eyes or throat, headaches, constipation, tick bites, etc., the Breite Apotheke offers discrete and professional advice. A pharmacist will talk with you in our consultation room and work out a solution for your medical problem on the basis of scientifically sound flow diagrams (so-called algorithms). This way, you will quickly and easily receive the perfect treatment, and if necessary a prescription drug. If further clarification is necessary, you will be referred to a doctor. 

The time required and the price for a netCare consultation varies depending on the case (depending on the chosen insurance model, the medication and/or the consultation fee may be reimbursed by your health insurance).

Polymedication check: Drug counselling in the pharmacy

Have you been dependent on at least four different medications for a period of more than three months? Anyone who has to take several medications over a longer period of time can easily lose track. In the Breite Apotheke we will advise and support you with questions such as whether you are taking the medicines at the right time, and in the right dosage.

The polymedication check takes approx. 30 minutes and costs Fr. 48.60 (reimbursed by health insurance).

  • You will know about the tolerance and dosage of your medication.
  • You will receive clear answers to your questions about medicines and how to take them.
  • You will receive a comprehensive overview of your prescription and other prescription-free medicines.
  • You can avoid problems with daily use as well as mistakes and gain peace of mind.
  • If necessary, your pharmacist will prepare a weekly dosage system for you.
  • The practical support for taking medicines.

How does the polymedication check work?
The consultation takes place in the Breite Apotheke in a separate room and takes about 20 minutes. The pharmacist checks your medication for long-term therapy. In order to advise you optimally, please bring all the medicines you are consuming regularly (prescription and prescription-free).

What does the polymedication check cost?
The polymedication check is paid for by your health insurance company every 6 months if you have to take four or more prescription drugs over a period of at least three months.

Make an appointment today for the polymedication check at the Breite Apotheke on Tel. 061 319 98 98 or at


Zürcherstrasse 97, 4052 Basel
+41 61 319 98 90

Alle Apotheken in Basel

Wichtige Adressen

Unsere Onepages
Apotheke Basel
Drogerie Basel
Pharmacy Basel (Englisch)
Pharmacie Bâle (Französisch)


Die Breite-Apotheke ist mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln (Tram Nr. 3, Station Waldenburgerstrasse) bequem zu erreichen und liegt direkt an der Autobahnausfahrt BREITE in Fahrtrichtung Basel City, Aeschenplatz.

Opening Hours:

Montag bis Freitag 09.00-18.30 Uhr
Samstag: 09.00-12.30 Uhr

Öffnungszeiten Feiertage


Gründonnerstag Donnerstag, 28.03.24 9:00 – 17.00 Uhr
Karfreitag Freitag, 29.03.24 geschlossen
Ostermontag Montag, 01.04.24 geschlossen
Tag der ArbeitMittwoch, 01.05.24 geschlossen
Vor Auffahrt Mittwoch, 08.05.2024 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Auffahrt Donnerstag, 09.05.2024 geschlossen
Pfingstmontag Montag, 20.05.2024 geschlossen
Nationalfeiertag Donnerstag, 01.08.2024 geschlossen
Heiligabend Dienstag, 24.12.24 09.00 – 16.00 Uhr
Weihnachten Mittwoch, 25.12.2024 geschlossen
Stephanstag Donnerstag, 26.12.2024 geschlossen
Silvester Dienstag, 31.12.24 09.00 – 16.00 Uhr